Porcelain veneers are made of ceramics that have the same principle components as any other porcelains. And we are well aware of the risk of breaking porcelain vase or a ceramic tile.
So, why are porcelain veneers so strong?

Depiction of all elements that contribute to a porcelain veneer that is as strong as natural tooth structure.
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Porcelains are very hard and strong to compression. In this aspect, they compare with dental enamel. However, their inherent weakness (brittleness) to shearing and tension would make them prohibitive for their use for dental veneers or other cosmetic restorations. However, dental research has developed various generations of chemicals that interact with the surface dentin on one side and the intaglio surface of a porcelain restoration on the other side, leading to a hybrid layer that consists of various sublayers, each of which is created by its own chemical and/or physical interaction to the next sublayer from organic to anorganic. Only the event of dentin bonding has allowed cosmetic dentistry to incorporate porcelains as one of its most successful dental materials.

In addition to advanced dental technology and materials, the experienced cosmetic dentist understands how any dental agent chemically interacts with the prepared tooth surface and meticulously applies his knowledge and experience, leading to porcelain veneers that are virtually integrated (via hybrid zones) to biological structure, not just attached. This is why the survival rate of dental veneers has been in the 96% area even after more than 20 years.
Dental enamel is so resilient and tough that a synthetic enamel has been successfully recreated by growing zinc oxide nanowires on a chip and layering forty layers of two polymers over it by special treatment, to create a micrometer of enamel-like structure. which was then repeated up to 20 times. Dr. Nicholas Kotov of Ann Arbor stated that the outstanding mechanical properties of biological materials derive from an intricate molecular adaptation of soft structures to hard ones and vice versa. These materials may be the future of porcelain veneers.
However, for the time being, dentin bonding has allowed the best cosmetic dentists who understand every individual step necessary to clinically create a perfectly bonded dental laminate.
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