Porcelain veneers have become a prime treatment modality for smile designs. They are the most popular tools for creating smile makeovers.
Dental veneers change a smile fast and dramatically and may remain in your mouth just as long as your natural teeth if done by an experienced cosmetic dentist. One indication of a level of excellence in the area of cosmetic dentistry and smile designs is a dentist who is accredited by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.
Direct or indirect veneers are bonded to natural tooth surfaces, either enamel or dentin, depending on the degree of dental wear and the degree of necessary correction of tooth color, tooth position, and attrition/wear of tooth structure. Bonded veneers help to preserve tooth structure while adding strength to the underlying tooth structure by being intimately connected to a tooth and protecting against any possible invasion by decay-causing microorganisms.
The patients below illustrate dramatic improvements that can be obtained with porcelain veneers. Not much tooth structure needed to be removed to create these natural smile makeovers. The greatest concern of patients who are looking to improve their smiles with veneers is the degree of tooth reduction necessary. Evidently, we practice minimally-invasive dentistry, but the degree of tooth reduction depends on various parameters, such as the condition of the current dental condition and the degree of desired and necessary changes. Dr. Jorg-Peter Rabanus discussed this concern in detail on his YouTube Channel: Porcelain Veneers: Tooth Reduction
Despite being the most popular treatment modality of cosmetic dentistry, laminates made of various ceramics are not the only way to improve the appearance of your teeth and your smile. You will find additional information on the following pages:
- Teeth Whitening
- Dental Bonding
- Dental Implants
- Invisible Fillings
- Orthodontics, such as Invisalign and Braces
- Tooth Contouring and Reshaping
These procedures are often used in combination with each other.
These procedures are often used in combination with each other.
Ask Dr. Rabanus personally via his direct E-Mail.
Find additional smile designs with porcelain veneers at our additional smile gallery.